
welcome to the lounge

this is a fun and cool space on the world wide web where you can hang out and relax!

^ world wide web
(emphasis on world)

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the lounge is OPEN during construction

ani-constructionguy en_construction_29 CONSTpikacon

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Dive on in!

cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 HAMSTER TIME! cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito   cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito10 cobaya_chiquitito cobaya_chiquitito_durmiendo cobaya_chiquitito1 cobaya_chiquitito2 cobaya_chiquitito3 cobaya_chiquitito4 cobaya_chiquitito5 cobaya_chiquitito6 cobaya_chiquitito7 cobaya_chiquitito8 cobaya_chiquitito9 cobaya_chiquitito4 a_taisho

be happy!
but it's okay if you feel sad, too.
Sometimes our emotions are hard on us. It can be difficult to understand where certain emotions come from, or why they decide to show up at the worst times. You might look for answers and find that it is simple chemical imbalance, or neuron inactivity in your brain, or some psychological quirk that's only recently been studied, but these explanations aren't what matter in the moment. What matters is how you feel and what you do with those feelings. Talk about them. Find constructive ways to express your feelings. Don't ignore scary or sad feelings. Don't dismiss worries or anxieties. Everyone has these feelings. It's normal. It should be normal to talk about your feelings, because the more you do, the less overwhelming they will feel. The people you choose to trust with that important emotional talk will help you understand that you're not alone in these feelings. They will help you if you let them. Because we all have to find ways to work with and manage our emotions. And there is no award for doing it alone. So don't keep it in, don't keep others out, just keep it up. You are not alone.

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^ protector of the lounge ^

*editor's note: it has been noted that this character is Son Gokū from the Dragon Ball Z cartoon show! neat!
**editor's note: it has been noted that Dragon Ball Z is not a cartoon but an anime. apologies (╥﹏╥)


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now entering the unicorn realm

un-00unicorn un-0headerunicorn
un-unicorn1 prance like no one is watching! un-unicorn1b

un-IZDAlead_unicorn un-unicorn un-unicorn_caitlin un-u003 un-unicornx3 un-UNICORN2 un-unicorn11 un-Unicorn9 un-Unicornio un-unicornrun

magic is in your heart!

un-Unicorn_Mom_babeA un-unicorn99 un-Unicornglobevolsgaldotcom un-ORUnicorn un-Gunicorn un-tunicorn

a unicorn will never judge you or abandon you

their love is always with you <3

un-twinklingunicorn un-unicornwfairyglitter un-unicornhors

goodnite unicorn!


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everyone knows that the best Pokemon ever is not Pikachu. It is Cubone that is the undisputed best Pokemon ever. Cubone is so cute and if you can't empathize with Cubone then you don't have a soul. Cubone is better than Pikachu... however, there are far more pre-made Pikachu gifs circling the world wide web than any other Pokemon, so this section is all about that yellow rodent that stole our hearts in 1996. Cubone rules! XD!
pi- pi-head_foot_move_pika pi-Pika_bug_catcher pi-pika_lrleave pi-pika_lrfl pi-pikachristmas pi-pika_lsunfl pi-Pika_Umbrella pi-pikamai pi-pikaangel pi-pika_2000 pi-poke20 pi-ani_pika6 pi-Pika_swimtube pi-pika_mail pi-pikaangel pi-newpika pi-runpikarun

Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika pi-x_Pikacamina Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika

Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika pi-pikasleep Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika

pi-pikapika pi-construct_pika pi-pikadg pi-pikarap pi-ppika pi-pikaball pi-pikabob pi-pika

what is your opinion of Pikachu? pi-Terepika please write it down on a piece of paper and then burn it. thank you!
pi-runpika pi-pikashock pi-pikasurfinganimated


don't kill Pikachu!

that never happened! that was all a dream.

look down here...

pi-Zpika_boo Pikachu is fine! just hiding! pi-Zpika_boo2

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the government (read: global elite) is hiding this from us.

al-alien al-alien2_clr al-walkingalien al-ani3dalien al-aliendancing

Humanity is not prepared for this reality. Any galaxy-hopping alien life-form poses an existential threat to our tiny solar system. Contact should be avoided at all costs. Humanity should remain hidden. We are not capable of preventing extinction, so we should prevent any alien contact scenario until we have gained some sort of invincibility.
al-alien_going_My_Way al-alien3 al-anialien al-Choosing_Alien al-Aliendnc al-pinkalien al-Alien124 al-Alien6_29527_032
                                                                    We are no match for superior alien technology!
al-movufo al-UFO-03 al-Ufo al-ufo.alien.ani

Intelligence Officials and The US Department of Defense have confirmed that they have recovered material that did not originate from this planet on multiple occasions. This is not information from a lone whistleblower. It has been confirmed by multiple government officials and agencies. The US is not the only country with this type of material. High-level government officials and agencies in some of the largest countries on Earth are aware of the threat of alien life and technology. They are too afraid to share information on UFOs and/or UAPs and/or Aliens with the public. It could be argued that the public is not ready, sure. Corporations, Institutions, and Religions would all crumble under the weight of the truth being exposed.
al-transyalien al-AlienFBI al-alien_06
Aliens are real and they have visited Earth. This revelation will be massive. It would be time for panic, sadly. Any alien life that has overcome technological and physics obstacles that humanity has not yet overcome is a direct threat to our existence.

We can only hope that the oppressive, evil, and unapologetic governments of the world eventually find a self-serving incentive to disclose what they know about aliens and UFOs to the public and that this disclosure leads to some sort of positive, paradigm shift in our way of thinking that helps further the advancement of humanity. Because right now, no one seems to care about prioritizing the greater good. So we're f##ked either way. You can't even say "welp, humanity had a good run" because we didn't. We suck at this. All we did was invent writing, make the internet, and go to the moon half a dozen times. Big Whoop...

al-alienBG al-alien02

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this section of the Lounge is currently being excavated, but we seem to have hit bedrock layer :/

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the links below

this is my collection of 88x31 pixel gif link buttons from the 90s and 00s.
feel free to utilise them in any way you see fit.
simply click the links below to travel to a random corner of the internet.

                     aolsucks hicolor nescenter ftktop download-mcafee gameboy_advance_net best_viewed_with_eyes Button_InternetExplerror cooltxt
                     free_webspace_hot_reviews qs-email-icon vgn1 dolby_digital lol can_iam koolaid icon6 gc_icon
                     hatemac hatems drpepper hash_now fspeech96 lem88x31 aikiweb win98_89 eclipse
                     aimlink Top100 dollar  pngnow internetfree frontpage_now_f icon_geocachingwa gc_icon2 notepad-logo3
                     geo-citi send_this_page affection internet-roadkill survey bantimetravel canadab altavista yahoomail

these links all work as of 2024/05/11
they may not work forever, such is the nature of the world wide web.
none of these links are malicious, but several of them are delicious.

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dragon1 More Coming Soon! dragon2

If you made it this far, then maybe you would be interested in joining the quite adept discord. It's probably better if you don't though, since it is oddly authoritarian and not even remotely fun, but that is kind of by design. But it's there...

Click on the Almighty Spinning Mountain Dew Can below to return to the homepage
